Do you ever have one of those days where you are so busy that you never once sit down? I mean, not even to go potty? Well, this was one of those days. All throughout this particular day, I kept feeling a sharp poking sensation in my nether-regions. (Yes, "nether-regions" are what you think they are.) It wasn't a constant poking, just an occasional, annoying poke. I figured it was probably a fingernail or something of that nature that had attached itself to my unmentionables in the wash. Well, after my long, busy, poke-filled day, I finally had the opportunity to investigate what it was that had caused all the discomfort. Imagine my surprise when I discovered a long, white feather in my unmentionables.
(this is NOT the actual feather)
When I say, "long, white feather", I'm talking about the kind of feather that would have once been used to make a quill pen. Why was it there? How did it find it's way into my unmentionables? Where did this long, white feather come from? To this day, it remains a mystery.
The moral of this story is: No matter how busy you are, if you experience a sharp, poking sensation in your nether-regions, be kind to yourself and don't wait until the end of that day to investigate the source of it. I guess I should be grateful it was just a feather and not an entire bird!
Normally, at this point in a post I would ask if this has ever happened to you. I'm certain it has not. Feel free to leave a comment anyway unless I've left you speechless.