Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Too Much Information...I Know!

Yesterday, the girls and I went to Hobby Lobby to purchase some items for Myah's birthday party and a school project I'm, I mean, CHLOE is working on. Among those items was a package of feathers, which reminded me of a funny thing that happened one busy day, not so long ago:

Do you ever have one of those days where you are so busy that you never once sit down? I mean, not even to go potty? Well, this was one of those days. All throughout this particular day, I kept feeling a sharp poking sensation in my nether-regions. (Yes, "nether-regions" are what you think they are.) It wasn't a constant poking, just an occasional, annoying poke. I figured it was probably a fingernail or something of that nature that had attached itself to my unmentionables in the wash. Well, after my long, busy, poke-filled day, I finally had the opportunity to investigate what it was that had caused all the discomfort. Imagine my surprise when I discovered a long, white feather in my unmentionables.
(this is NOT the actual feather)
When I say, "long, white feather", I'm talking about the kind of feather that would have once been used to make a quill pen. Why was it there? How did it find it's way into my unmentionables? Where did this long, white feather come from? To this day, it remains a mystery.

The moral of this story is: No matter how busy you are, if you experience a sharp, poking sensation in your nether-regions, be kind to yourself and don't wait until the end of that day to investigate the source of it. I guess I should be grateful it was just a feather and not an entire bird!
Normally, at this point in a post I would ask if this has ever happened to you. I'm certain it has not. Feel free to leave a comment anyway unless I've left you speechless.


Lucrecia said...

This is hilarious! It reminds me of my girlfriend Lindsay. We were at book club and I couldn't stop staring at this strange lump in her shirt. So finally I blurted out "Lindsay what is that in your shirt???" It turned out to be a baby spoon that she had no idea was there or how long. Your story definately involves more discomfor though;)

Carlye Momma said...

LOL!!!!!!! Oh my heck...you make me laugh!!! Thanks for the tip! Hey...Brackon practiced SO well today!!! WOO HOO!

Lindsey said...

for them being so un-mentionable, you sure did mention them alot. perv.

Christenson's said...

Becky too funny! I can't say I have ever experienced that!! How in the world did it get there and how did you go all day without figuring it out, thats the best part!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...that post was absolutely unmentionable. I hope your nether regions are recovering nicely.

Codie said...

So funny. I only wish I could see your face when telling this story. Becky's dramatic story telling is truly the best.

Cedar said...

I can't say that I have ever had a feather in my "nether regions" BUT I have had a friendly worm in my brazier (sp?) when we were down in Rocky Pointe. He did not last 30 seconds in there. Sucker.

Shake-N-Bake said...

I wish I could have seen the look on your face when you finally realized what was poking you . . .