Friday, October 23, 2009

The Writing On The Wall...And The Table

The other day, Leer mentioned to me how great he thought it was that our kids never really were the type to write on the walls. But recently, while painting the walls, we found this:

It says "Chloe and Myah's hideout"

Well, you know how one home improvement project leads to another...I decided to try my coffee table from downstairs in the family room upstairs. That's when I discovered this:

Artwork on the underside of the coffee table

And it's even signed by the artist

There are 3 drawings of houses

And of course she wrote "I love my dad"

Then in big green letters "You are the Best"
I tell myself she wrote that for me, but it's probably meant for her dad. Again.

And then she wrote "I am the best in my flamle" which I think means "family". Best at what, Chloe? Graffiti?


Carlye Momma said...

bahahaha!!! Oh they're fantastic arteests aren't they? I love that they're so sneeky about it. They do have a pretty rad dad...but I'm SURE she's talking about YOU being the best. Lol! I love your family. It's the bizomb baby!

Amber said...

Oh boy... heads would roll in this house! LOL They are very sneaky about it, aren't they?! Have they fessed up to any other areas of destruction?

Amanda said...

Awesome! I hope you keep it and show it to them when their kids do the same!

Shelly said...

That is hilarious! Wonder what else they have done that you don't know about?!

Anonymous said...

Your blog makes me laugh, and then wonder what MY kids are doing because they are so naughty in front of me! Thanks for the giggles.

Heidi said...

I wonder where else you have atwork in your house that you don't know about? I would really like to see some pictures of your projects!!!

the Wilcox Family said...

The next Michaelangelos. . . or Michaelangelinas. He worked while lying on his back, too, you know. Years from now, that coffee table will be worth lots of money--signed by the artist! Too funny!