Sunday, November 15, 2009


One of Myah's favorite songs this time of year is "Frosty The Snowman". But, she doesn't quite have the lyrics exactly right. Oh, and she pronounces the "th" sound with an "f". Her version goes like this:

Frosty The Snowman was a jolly happy soul,
wiff a corn buck toof and a button nose...


Heidi said...

Absolutely love that girl and her adorable personality. I can hear her singing it! You should record it and send it to me! It would make my day!

Carlye Momma said...

oh how I love thee! Let me count the ways!

Anonymous said...

i actually like her version better...calli used to have corn buck teeth; othodontia is awesome.
who took your family pics?

Lindsey said...

precious new packsures! hurry up n git here!

Amber said...

cute... you need to tape her singing that and post again! ;-)