Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy 9th Coco!

Chloe (Coco) celebrated her 9th birthday this week. Grandpa and Grandma and Uncle Mark and Uncle Ryan came up for dinner. Chloe chose Hawaiian Haystacks for her birthday dinner. Yum! She received lots of great gifts, oh and some Billy Bob teeth from her uncles (which of course were the hit). Thanks for that! I can't believe she is 9. Seems like yesterday that I had her. What a joy she is to our family. So, in honor of her 9th birthday, here are 9 words that describe the little princess:
1. smart
2. energetic
3. creative
4. lovable
5. poetic
6. beautiful
7. charming
8. funny
9. thoughtful
Sure love you, Chloe!


Lindsey said...

thanks for the invite, jerk!!!

Carlye Momma said...

The bubba teeth are RAD!