Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First Day of School

I cannot believe that Chloe is in 6th grade.

Apparently, 6th graders are suddenly embarrassed to have their mom take their picture in their new classroom.

Mortified, in fact. I wonder how she'll feel next year when she's in Jr. High...

My Little Myah started 1st grade today. First grade. First grade!


Lately, if you talk to Myah, she will let you know that she has 4 wiggly teeth.

And she will show you all the tricks she can do with her tongue.

I'm proud to announce that I only hyperventilated for about an hour this morning. I miss these two terribly when they're away from me (even though they drive me a little nuts when they're with me). Why is it like that? Tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way. And tell me I'm not crazy for feeling a little bitter at their eagerness and excitement about school. I know I should be tickled that I have daughters who love school so much. But I'm not. Not in the least. Shouldn't they be sad to leave me? Because they're not. Not in the least. This worries me. I think I need therapy.


Kara said...

What beautiful girls! I am soooo glad you wrote this. It totally justifies how I was feeling last night.
My kids don't go back to school for another month, but I've already started mourning them being gone. I'm exactly like you in missing them when they're gone even though they kind of drive me crazy when I have them.
Last night when we got home from a ride, Katelyn told me she missed school. What? AND She wished she had done summer school. Oh my. It was like a sock to the gut. Here I had been sad this was our last month together, and she's counting down the days. Jason tried to tell me that I should be happy she loves school so much, but right now it kind of makes me sad that she doesn't want to spend every waking moment with me and be happy about it. :)

Christenson's said...

Myah did show me both those amazing tricks!! Be glad you made it to 6th grade for Chloe to be embarrassed Olivia last year in 3rd thought I was trying to kill her to get a picture of her at school.... So now we have to just take them at home so no one dies of embarrassment! They are too cute, and I start to cry a few weeks before they go back to school the summer times when we are all home together are my absolute favorite, and I don't understand how moms are so excited for kids to be back in school. I'm with ya! My baby starts Kindergarten and my crying will be a good show if you want to come watch.... I'm tempted to hold him back just to keep him with me one year longer!

Carlye Momma said...

Her wiggly teeth are my favorite! Oh Becky, I'm so glad you said that about them going back. I feel the very same way. About 10 minutes ago the boys were doing everything to make me just flip a lid I think, but I am just TERRIFIED of them leaving me all day. It will be wonderful to have some alone time with Hayden, but I am dreading being without them for so many hours in the day. It breaks my heart honestly to think about it. Hang in there sugar!

Steph Smith said...

I can't believe the school year has already started! Your kids are growing up and so so cute! You always have them fixed up cute!

Heidi said...

I can't believe Myah is already in 1st grade! They really are both growing up so fast! You really need to make them stop!!!