Saturday, July 26, 2008

Myah Rock Star

So, Myah, my 4 year old, has recently informed me of her plans to become a rock star when she grows up. She also told me to start calling her "Myah Rock Star". She loves to sing and dance and she always puts on this hat and grabs her microphone and guitar before she performs for us. It's all part of her image. The other day, Jason overheard her singing a song that she heard on Guitar Hero (don't judge me). It went like this, "I hit myself with a wooden spoon..." What?'ve never heard of that song before? Maybe that's because the real words are, "I hate myself for loving you". I guess she'll have to brush up on her lyrics before she goes on tour. And no, nobody here hits themselves or anyone else with a wooden spoon.


Carlye Momma said...

hahaha! She IS a little rock star! AND...I'm pretty sure I heard her say the wooden spoon is your discipline of choice...should I be calling someone??? I'm just sayin.

Nicole said...

Love it. I especially love the lyrics, so funny. I love the bloopers they are my faves.