Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ahhh, The Great Outdoors

I have to admit that I am not the best camper. I do love the outdoors, and the beauty of nature, but my blasted bear phobia puts a damper on the whole situation. Yesterday, I got brave and decided we could go camping with the ward even though there was a bear that wandered into this same camp last summer. (Yes, I brought my bear spray.) Also, we've been having a lot of summer storms here lately, but decided we would chance it and go anyway. Naturally, as soon as we got there we started to put up our tent (thanks for the help Dave). Then it started to downpour. We got drenched!

Here I am trying to blow dry my hair with the air mattress pump. FYI this method doesn't work.

Here's Jason roasting his weenies.

Cute picture of Myah and Jason at the campfire. Honestly... he can sleep anywhere!
I, however, can't sleep just anywhere. I made a valiant effort to sleep in the tent, but ended up in the car about halfway through the night. I feel safer in the car even though everybody knows that bears totally know how to open car doors.

The next morning was great! The weather was beautiful, we ate the fluffiest pancakes I've ever seen, we were finally dry, and the camp we stayed at had a zip line which we all tried. It was really fun!

Going, going...

Gone!!! I was so proud of Chloe.

What a sad face! So, Myah cried the whole way up the ladder and the whole way down the zip line. I thought at some point during the ride she would realize that it was fun. I was really starting to question my motherly judgement when she never seemed to enjoy the experience. 15 minutes later, after she calmed down she admitted, "Well, it was actually fun". Phew!!!



All in all we had a great time on the campout. We really appreciated all the hard work the Turnbows put in to plan this fun activity. And most importantly, NO BEARS!


Turnbow Family said...

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Cedar said...

I LOVE to camp and haven't seen a bear yet, maybe when I do, I will hate it. Heath always packs his "piece" with him just in case. Your facial expressions are priceless, you look like you're having a wonderful time. I love the idea of blowing your hair with the air matress thing. Pretty creative. I am so sorry I didn't get to say hi when I was there, I really wanted to. It was a very busy vacation. Hopefully next time.

Carlye Momma said...

YA...YOU'RE AWESOME! A: LOVE the make-shift hairdryer! RAD! and 2: You are DEAD serious when you say you've researched the bear thing! I feel much more educated in reading your blog today. THANKS FOR THE BEAR 101 CLASS! LOL! THIS is yet another reason why I just love you!!!

Nicole said...

You are so adorable and oh so brave. I love that you all did this and Rob still says he hopes your daughter will forgive him someday for puching her off that platform. I'm glad to hear she had fun. Love the blog you are adorable.

Amber said...

I needed a good laugh today...thanks!

hollysboys said...

Oh that hair dryer is to funny and so is the pic of you in the car. I love it!! I am not a great camper either but I do it being that I am always out voted due to my sex! I dont like the whole no shower, pee in the wild deal.. not for me! I am always happy we went when we get home tho! It does look like alot of fun! luvya!