Monday, August 18, 2008

Hi Learnus!

Here's the probLem...anyone who reaLLy knows me weLL knows that I never caLL my husband "Jason". Since I've been bLogging I've refered to him as "Jason" and it just feeLs, weLL...wrong. So from here on out, I'LL caLL him Learnus. Or Leer. Or Ler. Or Lason. Or Lawzin. Or Lawzin-Daas. Or LerLus. Or LearL. Or Lernie. Or any other "L" name that I feeL compeLLed to use. There's no significance to the nicknames and no reason why they must start with "L". My friend Heather wouLd say, "It is what it is". It's onLy "Jason" if he's in BIG troubLe and right now he's not.
Love you Lots, Leer!


Carlye Momma said...

YES!!! SOOO glad you got that off your chest aren't you?

Sharley said...

You are so funny! The things you come up woth just make me laugh! Have a good day!

Carlye Momma said...

K...A: The teeshirt was a gift from me to him for's my favorite!!! and 2: Bawled like a baby is more like it when he was walking away.

Nicole said...

That is so awesome. Funny how we have our little nicknames isn't it. Rob's favorite thing to call me is Preggers. (since I seem to always be) but I won't let him when I'm not which I'm not. Anyway I think that is awesome. You are so funny. I have to try that ipod thing I laugh so hard when I read these. Carlye's is hillarious too.

Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog. Very cute! I like your set up.

Lucrecia said...

I don't believe has to mean something??? Tell the truth:)

Becky said...

Really, it means nothing. I can't even remember how, when or why I changed his name.

Cedar said...

That is so funny. Do you still refer to Cindy as "Shold" I can't spell it, but you know exactly what I mean!!:) My kids hardly ever get called by their real names, funny how we do that. I haven't thought of a good name for Heath, just babe. Thats boring, I gotta get a better one.

Becky said...

Of course! Cindy will always be Shoold which is short for Shooldance Marie, or Salance which is short for Salancia. It's funny because Myah really thinks Cindy's name is Salance. That's what she always calls her and she's totally serious. She also calls her dad Learnus sometimes. And P.S. you will always be Two-Cedar or Cedaria.

Heather said...

Have I told you how FABULOUSLY REAL your last two posts are? I love them. I love Learnus. Only in a neighborly way, but I do love that he is Yugoslavian or Chech or some random foreigner....pretty happy about that!