Friday, August 1, 2008

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author Unknown

We had quite the rainstorm here last Saturday. The kids had a blast getting drenched.


hollysboys said...

Hi Becky!! Of course I remember you goof! How are you! And where do you live! I also have tons of great memories of you how funny! You girls are adorable but where is a pic of their mommy and daddy! I read your interests and they are totally the same as me! I am totally domestic too.Decorating,cooking,baking,scrapbooking, and whatever else I love to do! We would still get along great! I will add you to my links so we can definately keep in touch! So good to hear from you!

Carlye Momma said...

I LOVE IT!!! A: I love that you're blogging now...and 2: I love that you enjoy the rain like we do here! Such sweet pictures! Your babies are GORGEOUS!!!

Nicole said...

So fun, My kids were out in the rain that day too, they said they were stopping it. They claim they know how, all I know is they were soaking wet, mine aren't smart enough to get umbrellas, they did put a coat on though. So cute. I bet your girls are best of friends.