Thursday, August 28, 2008

Who Is Jason?

ApparentLy, I've confused a Lot of peopLe with the whoLe nickname thing. Leer's parents came to church with us one Sunday and whoever was sitting in front of us turned around to taLk to my Mother-In-Law. Here's how the conversation went:

"So, you're here visiting the ChiLds'?"

MIL: "Yeah, I'm Jason's Mom!"

{Long pause...puzzLed Look}

"Who is Jason?"

We had some new neighbors move in a whiLe back and we introduced ourseLves as Jason and Becky. A few weeks Later, this neighbor came over to heLp us move some furniture downstairs and when he went home he toLd his wife, "Did you know that Jason is not his reaL name? It's Lawzin or something...I think he might be from YugosLavia."

Even LittLe Myah caLLs her dad Learnus sometimes. I better make sure she knows his reaL name is Jason. Do any of you have nicknames for your husband (or vice versa)? Leave me a comment and teLL me what they are and the story behind them if there is one.

P.S. Lason calls me Lecky. Go figure!


Carlye Momma said...

WOOT WOOT! Becky's back in the house!!! So did you get to see (JD) and Amy from Los Angeles??? We missed ya last night at the meetin.

Cam calls me Carl or Baby. Whichever one. Not really the greatest or most unique nicknames in the world. I call him schmoopie or Babe. Again...not that great. I don't think anyone can top yours. :-)

(oh...and we put a coupon that was on your door behind the cushion on your little chair on your porch for ya. mmmuuuwaah!)

Amy said...

We're not that creative. Actually, Gary only calls me "Amy" when he's dead serious about something. Sometimes I call him "Bake" but usually it's just "Hun".
PS. I love your blog! You are hillarious!

Cedar said...

With a name like Cedar there is no need for a nickname. Someone said once "is that your real name?"
You are just hilarious, thats funny what happened at church.

Nicole said...

Hi Cutie, Love the explanation. Thanks I was wonderin. Rob is usually just that, hun, or robbers, It just depends. I am nick, nickers, preggars (when I'm pregnant), or hun. Just funny things we have called each other for a while. I'm not really sure where they all came from. Silly how things like that happen isn't it.

Brooke said...

We're boring. We just call each other babe. Come on, John and Brooke. How much more plain can you get?

Cindy said...

Hi Shoold or Shooldance Marie, or Shooldy Dooldy, or Selance, or Selancia! I could go on but I guess I must tell you now my nicknames for Daren not your nicknames...hmmm... Darwin, or Darwood, Darwins Theory, or Durwood, or Dare Bear....otherwise it's just Babe! He calls me Babe or Babalicious...don't know where that came from! hee hee i like your blog i find it very interesting! love you Shoold! :)