Thursday, September 25, 2008

Do You Haiku Too?

hai·ku [hahy-koo]
–noun, plural -ku for 2.
1. a major form of Japanese verse, written in 17 syllables divided into 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, and employing highly evocative allusions and comparisons, often on the subject of nature or one of the seasons.
2. a poem written in this form.

The other night we went out to eat at Chili's. I confess I'm a people watcher and enjoyed watching a young couple on a date. (I'm guessing a first date by the awkward body language.) I noticed the guy had a shirt with writing on it. So, curious, as we were leaving, I walked slowly enough so that I could read it. It said:

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

Chloe and I had a good laugh about that one. Anyways, I didn't want to forget about that funny shirt...and so I post.

I'll also take this opportunity to share some Haiku poems that my little Chloe has written. You see, she's quite the poet (I'm biased, I know). Prepare to be amazed:

by Chloe Childs
She flies through the sky
Oh how beautiful she is
What a sight she is

by Chloe Childs
Pitter patter rain
Falling from the sky down, down
Oh so beautiful

by Chloe Childs
Growing on the ground
Spotted, striped and growing slow
Grow mushrooms, grow now

The Beach
by Chloe Childs
It is very fun
Playing in the sun all day
Collecting seashells

And while I'm at it, here's her newest poem for your reading enjoyment. This one's not a Haiku, but totally blogworthy. I think it's really cute.
My White Kitty
by Chloe Childs
My white kitty is soft and cute.
She likes it when I play the flute.
She plays all day and then I say,
"I'll love you, Kitty, always."
And then I tuck her into bed,
"Meow, I love you too!" she said.
Precious, I know. And to think...we don't even have a white kitty or a flute! I love having Chloe for my daughter! (sigh)


Cedar said...

That is so funny. Chloe is quite the poet, pretty impressive. She must get it from her mom.

hollysboys said...

Oh that is too cute! I love it! Shes really talented, maybe writing will be her calling!
I have been absent from the blogging world since school has started, cuz that means that the sports has started also! OMG! I think we are busier than last year cuz we added batting lessons and 2 more practices and 2 more games per week and as if that wasnt enough my dear sweet hubby felt it neccesary to sign up for a photograghy class on teus. and thurs. nights!! We have zero time now to do anything else and I bought all this halloween scrap stuff that I havent been able to get to! I am very frusterated but oh well, this to shall pass right????

Lindsey said...

did coco grow some ginormous boobs since i saw her last or is it just the camera angle?

Becky said...

haha, that's funny. camera angle, doi!

Cindy said...

I like people watching to. Maybe we should do it sometime when you come and visit me next week and stay at my house ok? hint hint

Carlye Momma said...


P.s. THANKS so much for the bread and my list...I tell you...I'd forget my brain if it wasn't stuck in my body (and we're waiting on the results to see if I actually still have's definitely questionable.) :-)


Oh...pps (I know...remember in like 2nd grade when that was o.k. to do in note passing?) my sister's dinner theater thing starts this Friday and that's the cheap day ($25) would you like to come with me?

Becky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole said...

She is an amazing writer. I love the poems they are so beautiful. Help her keep this up she may be famous some day.

Lindsey said...

Blog woman Blog!do your comments come straight to your email. why are you avoiding me? you didnt call me back. did you get another lashing?

Carlye Momma said...

Remember those times when your friend thought you were a piano teacher AND built in babysitter??? YA...that's SUPER embarassing!!! Aren't I absolutely amazing???