Friday, December 19, 2008

Dance Like No One Is Watching

Chloe and Myah had their dance recital last night. It has been so much fun to see them participate in dance this year. They have both absolutely loved it and I think it does wonders for their coordination and self-esteem. Have a looksy.



Great job girls! I'm proud of you.


Carlye Momma said...

Great job girls!!!! I was so proud of you guys!!! I cheered so loud for you...I hope you heard me! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

Brooke said...

Seriously precious!

Shelley said...

Chloe & Myah were the cutest girls of the bunch, in my eyes and Grandpa's. You must stop growing up so fast. You are so very special to us. We love you.
G & G Childs